15Oct23 Up-Date: the club is still growing with a further 4 newbies recently, happy days.
Hi to you all, its been a while since an up-date on the numbers has been posted and happy to report that for this Year we are now up to a lovely 70 of you, 13 are new for this year & the we now have 20 ladies, happy days & thanks to you all for your support, and enjoy your Riding with the Swan's.
Membership Sec.
15Oct23 Up-Date: the club is still growing with a further 4 newbies recently, happy days.
Hi to you all, its been a while since an up-date on the numbers has been posted and happy to report that for this Year we are now up to a lovely 70 of you, 13 are new for this year & the we now have 20 ladies, happy days & thanks to you all for your support, and enjoy your Riding with the Swan's.
Membership Sec.
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