It's all going West this Sunday - We're off on a 49 mile adventure to Oaks cafe in Cotefield Nurseries (26 miles in) just outside of Bodicote. It's a pleasant stop where we will even have the back gate opened for us to bring our bikes into the backyard. We are expected and I have been assured that there will be a plentiful supply of cake available.
The forecast (if it can be depended on) looks reasonable with a NW ish breeze and hopefully the precipitation forecast is accurate.
Please remember all the usual things - Helmet - Spare Tube - Payment for refreshments
Please click the Attending button - See you Sunday
It's all going West this Sunday - We're off on a 49 mile adventure to Oaks cafe in Cotefield Nurseries (26 miles in) just outside of Bodicote. It's a pleasant stop where we will even have the back gate opened for us to bring our bikes into the backyard. We are expected and I have been assured that there will be a plentiful supply of cake available.
The forecast (if it can be depended on) looks reasonable with a NW ish breeze and hopefully the precipitation forecast is accurate.
Please remember all the usual things - Helmet - Spare Tube - Payment for refreshments
Please click the Attending button - See you Sunday
2 Attachments