Hi Stewart if no other riders joining Leisure ride I’ll join Niall on the C ride so leaving you to join another group.
Hi Stewart won’t be riding tomorow as have picked up a cold probably from the flight,hope eventually to do a leisure ride
Hi Stewart hope to ride next week if ride posted as still in Mallorca as I know you’re trying to get leisure rides up and running.
Hi Kirsty have arranged to join Niall on leisure but will join you if no takers .
Hi Niall will see you in the morning hoping to get some new riders but will join you on Kirstys ride if no takers.
family get together so not riding .Have a safe ride everyone.
hi Niall,not riding Sunday as family birthday lunch.have made donation on line.have a safe ride and hope to ride next week.
hi Niall not riding this week as family gathering,hopefuly next week have a safe ride.
Hi Niall,not riding this sunday as family up from Kent,hopefuly next week.hope everybody has a safe ride.
h Hi Malcom unfortunately not now riding tomorow as airline has changed daughters flight time to mid morning so will have to dog sit.hopefully ride next week Have a safe ride.
Swan Wheelers Cyling Club forum
Hi Stewart if no other riders joining Leisure ride I’ll join Niall on the C ride so leaving you to join another group.