Are you in this afternoon 3ish. Cheers
Good anti clockwise route suits you sir. 🤣😂
Road between padbury and Steeple Claydon closed from tomorrow until Saturday
Happy birthday you’re way too old for me. Going on the c ride. 🍺🍩🤣🍺🍩🍺🤣🍺🍩
Thanks 👍
I’m down to ride but may have a shoot on so please don’t wait cheers.
Gutted mate still feeling the chesty cough. Next time. 👍
Stewart don’t change anything on my account as I’ve still got a bit of a cold and may not attend cheers fella.
A cheeky little anti clockwise route may just twist my arm. Legs still a bit tight after gym and Wednesday.
Torn between the two rides ,what a problem to have. 🤣
Got a horrible feeling I’ve no holiday left to book this day off as I’m working lates. I’m really gutted but I’m going to try.
Bugger I like this route but unfortunately I have a league shoot to go to. So have fun all.
Hi Niall I will meet you on route cheers squeak.
Not too many signed up at the moment Stewart. Any chance your coming to chippy instead.
Great choice of cafe. 😉 if needed I’ll help with the ride.
If I can be of any help. If you’re desperate.
I’m happy to help out in anyway I can if needed , but some might have a different idea 😂🤣
Will meet you on route. Cheers squeak
Just in case I can’t mate it tomorrow , it goes without saying don’t wait for me. Cheers squeak
Unless there’s a chance that I miss my 🥓 😂🤣
I’m in if my bike gets fixed cheers.
Thanks again Stuart. Looking forward to seeing all that can attend. Cheers squeaky
Cheers Stuart.
Pretty sure I just posted something but can’t find it here now. But in short I could lead a ride or help someone if someone posted a ride up possibly milk shed maybe. Cheers squeaky.
Swan Wheelers Cyling Club forum