• Step-by-step guide to downloading a gpx file and saving as a course to your Garmin Connect account. - Please note this method works for me on my Mac, labels may be different on PC

    Step 1: Right click and save the GPX file to your desktop
    Step 2: Goto http://www.gpsies.com and make yourself an account
    Step 3: Upload the saved GPX file and convert it to GPX Track (I leave all other options in their default state) - the file should process and save to your downloads folder
    Step 4: Login to connect.garmin.com and ‘import data’ via the cloud icon top right of the screen
    Step 5: Drag and drop or Browse to your new GPX file (it will be in your downloads folder) - the GPX should load up and be displayed
    Step 6: Click the ‘gear’ icon and ‘save as course’ (I imagine you can also ’send to device’)
    Step 7: Remember to make it public if you want to share with other members

    Here’s the link to the course on Garmin Connect

    let me know how you get on
