• Proposed A ride heads south to Stratton Audley, Piddington, skirts Brill, up Ashendon and Winchendon and on to the G&D at Quainton. Short run back via the Claydons given it may be a little damp.

    One word of caution - forecast currently shows heavy rain and if it remains so I may bail myself - will update the post on here if so and message the WhatsApp group. However, fingers crossed it is not so bad and we can get a decent ride in.

    Distance: 73km / 45 miles, with cafe at 52km / 32 miles.
    Ascent: 575m / 1900 ft
    Pace: 17 - 19mph

    Fingers crossed weather ok and hope to see you on Sunday. Please sign up if interested!

    Note remember that the clocks go back on Saturday night, so you get an extra hour's lie in.


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