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  • Hello C riders!

    I hope you've all had a good rest over Christmas and feel like stretching your legs again on a bike ride! I've picked a fairly gentle route as we try again to head to the George and Dragon in Quainton where we will meet up with the other groups. A flattish 35 mile loop stopping at 23 miles for an eccles or some other tasty delight!

    The weather is looking typically winterish with some wind and maybe a spot of rain. The temperature might feel a bit colder than expected because of the wind, so please come dressed prepared.

    Please bring with you a spare inner tube or two for your bike, some water and cash/card for the cafe.

    If you fancy coming along for some cycling and chat, please hit the 'I'm attending' button and meet me by the bike racks of Swan pool at 8:45am for a 9am start. I hope to see some of you there.


    Kirsty (07889943019)

    2 Attachments


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