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  • Hello, Swan Wheelers and cycling aficionados! It's Tim here, ready to steer us into a rollicking New Year's Eve adventure. Our traditional meeting spot at Swan Pool will be the starting line for an unforgettable ride from Buckingham to the picturesque Quainton. Let's gear up for a day filled with pedal power, laughter, and festive spirit!

    The Journey Begins: Rise and Shine!
    We'll kick off our day at the usual spot – Swan Pool, at 08:45 AM sharp. From there, we'll embark on a route that's as scenic as it is enjoyable. Remember, the early bird catches the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese – so let's hope we're more bird than mouse today!

    En Route: A Scenic Spin through Buckinghamshire
    As we pedal through the countryside, expect stunning views, fresh air, and my attempts to entertain you with tales and trivia. Keep your ears open for my "Did You Know?" cycling edition – it's bound to be half enlightening, half amusing.

    Midway Merriment: Quainton Awaits
    We'll take a well-deserved break at The George & Dragon upon reaching Quainton. This is where we toast (with the finest tea or coffee, of course) to the year that's been and the one that's to come. It's also a chance to relax, refuel, and prepare for the journey back.

    The Homeward Leg: Sharing and Caring
    On our way back, I'd love to hear your highlights from 2023 – cycling-related or otherwise. The most engaging story will earn applause and maybe a special title of 'Storyteller Supreme' until the next ride.

    Safety Reminder: Serious Business
    Safety remains our top priority while we're all about fun and games. Helmets, lights, and a keen awareness of our surroundings are non-negotiable. Let's keep it safe to ensure we have many more rides together.

    Wrapping Up: Let's Make It Memorable!
    So, gather your cycling gear, your festive spirit, and a sense of adventure. We're about to close off 2023 with a ride that's not just about the destination but the joyous journey and the company we share it with. See you all bright and early at Swan Pool!

    Your pedal-pushing pal,
    Tim 🚴♂️🎊🎉


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