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  • This Sunday's C Ride is a 37-mile pootle to Cafe 94, Waddesdon. The plan is to ride through Gawcott, Barton Hartshorn, then hang a left before Stratton Audley. Poundon [not the hill!!], Marsh Gibbon, Edgcott then to the Cafe.

    The route home is via the Manor, Quainton & The Claydon's enjoying the delightful Southerly wind. Have you noticed when its against you it's a gentle breeze, yet behind it's a full on wind, funny that!! Jesting apart the weather forecast is looking good for the time of year, so no excuses now, lets be 'avin ya.

    If the numbers dictate may have to re-think the cafe stop due to '94 being on the small side. That said there are one a two watering holes in the vicinity.

    Up for it? Then tap the 'I'm Attending' button, please and I will look forward to seeing you Sunday morning at 08:45hrs for a 09:00hrs depart.


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